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Breaking News: Canada Visa Federal Skilled Worker Program

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The new selection system for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) will take effect on May 4, 2013 at which time the program will re-open for applications, Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.

“The government’s number one priority remains jobs, economic growth, and long-term prosperity,” said Minister Kenney. “The new Federal Skilled Worker Program criteria will ensure Canada is selecting the skilled immigrants our economy needs, who are the most likely to succeed and fully realize their potential in Canada.”
The improvements to the FSWP points grid are based on a large body of research which has consistently shown that language proficiency and youth are two of the most important factors in the economic success of immigrants.
The final changes to the FSWP selection criteria include:
  • Minimum official language thresholds and increased points for official language proficiency, making language the most important factor in the selection process;
  • Increased emphasis on younger immigrants, who are more likely to acquire valuable Canadian experience, are better positioned to adapt to changing labour market conditions, and who will spend a greater number of years contributing to Canada’s economy;
  • Introduction of the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), so that education points awarded reflect the foreign credential’s true value in Canada;
  • Changes to the arranged employment process, allowing employers to hire applicants quickly, if there is a demonstrated need in the Canadian labour market; and
  • Additional adaptability points for spousal language ability and Canadian work experience.

 Backgrounder — Overview of the New Federal Skilled Worker Program

The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) selects immigrants based on their ability to succeed economically in Canada. It measures applicants using a selection grid worth up to 100 points. The current pass mark is 67. Each applicant is awarded points for official language ability, age, education, work experience, employment already arranged in Canada, and adaptability (such as previous work experience or education acquired in Canada).
Following a thorough review of relevant research, an extensive program evaluation, stakeholder and public consultations, research and study of best practices in other immigrant receiving countries, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is introducing a suite of improvements to the FSWP.

What has changed and why:

LANGUAGE: Requiring a minimum level of language proficiency (28 points max.)
Canadian and international research has consistently shown that language proficiency is the single most important factor in gaining better rates of employment, appropriate employment and higher earnings.
In light of this, CIC is establishing minimum language requirements and is significantly increasing the maximum points awarded for the applicant’s proficiency in English or French. Language ability is now the most important factor on the grid, representing a total of up to 28 points in recognition of its critical importance in ensuring successful outcomes.

AGE: More emphasis on younger workers (12 points max.)
Studies show that younger immigrants integrate more rapidly into the labour market and spend a greater number of years contributing to Canada’s economy. The revised selection grid benefits younger immigrants by awarding a maximum of 12 points up to age 35, with diminishing points awarded from 35 to age 46. There will be no points given after age 46; however, workers aged 47 or older will continue to be eligible for the Program.

EDUCATION: New Educational Credential Assessment (25 points max.)
Previously, points were awarded based on the applicant’s educational credentials in their home country and the years of education required to obtain the credential. This did not take into account its comparative value when assessed against Canadian educational credentials.
The new regulations require a mandatory assessment of foreign educational credentials to determine their equivalency to a completed educational credential in Canada. This also helps to screen out fraudulent credentials, as CIC will not accept those that are not equivalent to a completed Canadian educational credential. In summary, education points will be awarded based on the value of the educational credentials in Canada.
The Minister of CIC will designate credential assessment organizations and regulatory bodies to conduct the assessments as part of the immigration selection process. These agencies will be announced in early 2013.

WORK EXPERIENCE: Redirecting points to other factors (15 points max.)
Foreign work experience is a weak predictor of success in the Canadian labour market. As a result, CIC is reducing the total number of points for work experience from 21 to 15, and increasing the years of experience required to get full points. These changes better reflect the relative value that Canadian employers place on foreign work experience, and allow extra points to be redirected to the language and age factors, which are better indicators of success in the Canadian labour market.

ARRANGED EMPLOYMENT: Streamlining the process and reducing the potential for fraudulent job offers (10 points max.)
The FSWP evaluation showed that people who immigrate with a valid job offer do very well in Canada, earning 79% more in the first three years after arrival than people without arranged employment. However, a more rigorous up-front assessment of the employer and job offer is needed to curb the potential for fraud.
This will be achieved by requiring employers to get a Labour Market Opinion (LMO), issued by Human Resources Development Canada. This will verify that there is a need in the Canadian labour market for this type of worker and that the employer has tried to hire a Canadian or permanent resident first. A benefit for employers is that once they have established this labour market need, they can use the LMO to bring the worker in quickly on a work permit while the worker’s application to immigrate permanently is being processed.

ADAPTABILITY: Changes to reflect factors that help promote integration (10 points max.)
CIC is proposing changes to the adaptability criteria to emphasize factors that are shown to have a positive impact on an immigrant and their family’s integration. As employers have shown a preference for workers with Canadian study and work experience, points for previous work experience in Canada will be increased for the principal applicant. Points for previous study in Canada will remain the same.
Feedback from the consultations strongly recommended replacing the points factor for a spouse’s education with points for a spouse’s language proficiency to improve the likelihood of a family’s successful integration. The points for previous spousal study and/or work in Canada, and having relatives in Canada will remain unchanged. Applicants will have more opportunities overall to earn adaptability points, although the total points will remain the same.
Overall, the new and revised FSWP will enable CIC to select younger skilled workers, proficient in English or French, who can integrate more rapidly and successfully into the Canadian labour market and be active members of the work force for a longer period of time. These changes will also assist the government in meeting the goals stated in Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2012 by building a fast and flexible immigration system whose primary focus is meeting Canada’s economic and labour market needs.
  • A 2005 Statistics Canada study found that employment rates of immigrants increased with their ability to speak English and that language proficiency had the biggest impact on their ability to find employment in a high-skilled job or in their intended field.
  • In a 2009 Compas Research survey on strategies for integrating internationally educated professionals into the Canadian work force, 87% of employers cited inadequate language skills as the top barrier preventing the foreign-educated from finding suitable employment.
  • A 2008 Statistics Canada study found that literacy skills play a role in the wage gap between Canadian-born workers and newcomers to Canada.
  • A 2001 academic study Footnote 1 on immigrant earnings in Canada found that on average, the greatest economic gains are realized from immigrants who arrive in Canada between 20 and 30 years old.
  • A 2004 academic study Footnote 2 on elderly immigrants in Canada found that migrants aged 45 years and over experience unemployment rates almost double those aged 25 to 34 years.

Send your resume to rgomez@go2canada.com for Free Assessment. Please use "FSW Applicant" as your email subject.


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New Federal Skilled Trades Stream to Begin Accepting Applications on January 2, 2013

Monday, December 10, 2012

Canada has announced its new stream in Canadian Immigrant Visa Application. And It will start this coming Jan 2, 2013.

Mississauga, December 10, 2012 — To address Canada’s growing demand for skilled tradespersons, a new Federal Skilled Trades Program is being launched on January 2, 2013, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.
“The new Skilled Trades Stream will help address serious labour shortages in some regions of the country, and support economic growth,” Minister Kenney said. “For too long, Canada’s immigration system has not been open to these in-demand skilled workers. These changes are long overdue and will help us move to a fast and flexible immigration system that works for Canada’s economy.”
The program criteria are built around four requirements that ensure applicants will have the right skills and experience needed to succeed here in Canada. In order to qualify, applicants will need to:
  1. have an offer of employment in Canada or a certificate of qualification from a province or territory to ensure that applicants are “job ready” upon arrival;
  2. meet a basic language requirement;
  3. have a minimum of two years of work experience as a skilled tradesperson, to ensure that the applicant has recent and relevant practice as a qualified journeyman; and
  4. have the skills and experience that match those set out in the National Occupational Classification (NOC B) system, showing that they have performed the essential duties of the occupation.
In order to manage intake, avoid backlogs and ensure fast processing times, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will accept up to a maximum of 3,000 applications in the first year of the Federal Skilled Trades Program.

Please note that Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will accept up to a maximum of 3,000 applications only in the first year of the Federal Skilled Trades Program.  Start preparing now!

The first step is to get a Certificate of Qualification. The processing period, requirements, and application fee varies depending on which province you want to settle. Quite complicated but with Canadian Immigration Consultancy we will make it easy for you.


If you have at least two years work experience and related training in the following areas, you may be eligible to file an application under the proposed Federal Skilled Trades Class (FSTC):

  • Industrial, Electrical and Construction Trades;
  • Maintenance and Equipment Operation Trades;
  • Supervisors and Technical Occupations in Natural Resources, Agriculture and Related Production;
  • Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities Supervisors and Central Control Operators;
  • Chefs and Cooks
  • Bakers and Butchers.
Send your resume to rgomez@go2canada.com for Free Assessment. Please use "Skilled Worker" as your email subject.


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Breaking News: Canada Will Accept 55.300 New Immigration Applicants

Friday, November 2, 2012

From cic.gc.ca:

Toronto, November 2, 2012 — Today, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced that by the end of 2013, Canada’s immigration system will be transformed from one that was plagued by backlogs into one that is fast, flexible, and responsive to the labour market.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) announced today it will admit up to 55,300 persons in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) category in 2013. Combined with previous actions taken to manage the backlog, this means by the end of 2013 we will be able to process new applications as they are received – a “just in time” system – and aim to process them in less than a year, instead of up to eight years under the old FSWprogram. In addition, CIC expects to clear the FSW applications received to date by the end of 2014, three years earlier than originally expected.
This will allow for the introduction of an Expression of Interest (EOI) system to be put in place for FSW and possibly other economic immigration streams. CIC is moving to a just-in-time system that recruits people with the right skills to meet Canada’s labour market needs, fast tracks their applications, and gets them working in a period of months, instead of years.
“The Government’s number one priority remains the economy and job growth,” said Minister Kenney. “Immigration backlogs are detrimental to our ability to attract the world’s top talent. With the decisive actions we’ve taken to tackle the backlog, we will finally be able to select immigrants who better meet the needs of the Canadian labour market. We will aim to process their applications in less than 12 months.”
The volume of FSW applications has been a longstanding dilemma, since the number of applications received inevitably exceeded the space available within the Immigration Levels Plan each year. As a result, wait times in the FSW program were as high as eight years.
Over the past few years, CIC has taken concrete measures to tackle this problem, including the following:
  • Under the 2008 Action Plan for Faster ImmigrationCIC began to limit FSWapplication intake to priority occupations.
  • In 2010, the Department added caps to the number of new applications.
  • In June 2012, the Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act eliminated most of the remaining FSW applications received before February 27, 2008.
  • In July 2012, CIC issued a temporary pause on new FSW applications, excluding candidates with a qualifying job offer or those applying under the PhD stream.
Taken together, these efforts have dramatically reduced the total number of people waiting in the FSW backlog from a height of 640,000 people in 2008 to approximately 100,000 today, even with new applications received since the 2008 Action Plan.
“By tackling the backlog to make way for a faster, more flexible just-in-time immigration system, newcomers to Canada will be able to fully participate in the economy more quickly,” said Minister Kenney. “Immigration plays a vital role in our country’s long-term prosperity. By improving our economic immigration system, we can ensure that Canada is competitive on the world stage.”
In 2013, CIC plans to admit between 53,500 to 55,300 Federal Skilled Workers, including their spouses and dependants. CIC intends to lift the current pause on FSW applications in 2013, when the new selection criteria are expected to take effect. The final regulatory changes will be available in the Canada Gazette later this year.

What does this mean?

-the new pointing system will take effect by January 2013 and will be highly favorable to young applicants.
-due to "just in time" system of processing, you still can recieve your immigrant visa within a years time.
-backlog will be reduced.
-the biggest news is Canada Will accept big numbers of applicants compare to the past years where from 20,000 new applicants last 2010 then 10,000 new applicants last 2011 to 55,000 this 2013.

Are you already prepared for this?

Start your applications now!

If you think you can qualify for an Immigrant Application its Best to ACT NOW!
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Tagalog Is Canada’s Fastest Growing Language

Monday, October 29, 2012

Here is a News article from Manila Bulletin written by Roy Mabasa.

 Tagalog is now the fastest growing language in Canada, according to a new census undertaken by the Canadian government.
Results of the 2011 Census of Population: Linguistic Characteristics of Canadians released by Statistics Canada (StatCan) further showed that Tagalog is now the fifth most common non-official language spoken in Canadian households.
“Nearly 279,000 people reported speaking Tagalog most often in 2011, up from 170,000 five years earlier,” the survey said.
StatCan noted “the home languages showing the strongest growth between 2006 and 2011 were primarily Asian,” and the “the population that reported speaking the Philippine-based language Tagalog increased by 64 percent, the highest growth.”
Survey results show that Vancouver has one of the largest Canadian populations that speak Tagalog with 47,600 using it as their primary language at home in 2011.
Also, Tagalog is now the most common immigrant home language in Edmonton and the second most common in Calgary, after Punjabi.
More than 200 languages were reported in the 2011 Census of Population as a home language or mother tongue.
The top 10 immigrant languages spoken most often at home in 2011 were: Punjabi, Chinese, Cantonese, Spanish, Tagalog, Arabic, Mandarin, Italian, Urdu, and German.
In his report to the DFA, Philippine Ambassador to Canada Leslie Gatan said “Canada is some kind of a promised land as economic growth in Western Canada has created a wealth of new opportunities for Filipinos and many new immigrants are travelling to Edmonton, Winnipeg and Regina for jobs.”

There are many Pinoy Immigrants in Canada now. Do you want it to? Canada will be open to 350 professions this coming January 1, 2013.
If you think you can qualify for an Immigrant Application its Best to ACT NOW!
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Please Like Us on Facebook

Saturday, October 27, 2012



Canada Crack Downs on Marriage Fraud

There is ongoing measures to stop marriage fraud in Canada. As part of it, new measures will be implemented related to spouse sponsorship visa application.

Certain sponsored spouses will now be required to live in a ‘legitimate relationship’ with their sponsor for two years after receiving Permanent Residency. If this is not adhered to, Permanent Residency status may be revoked. These measures apply to all applications received on or after October 25th, 2012.

The regulations apply to couples who have been in a relationship for two years or less and who share no children with their sponsor at the time they submit their application. Once Permanent Residency is received in Canada, the couple must continue their relationship for at least another two years.
An exception to the regulations has been put in place for partners suffering abuse and neglect. If evidence of such a relationship can be provided, and the abuse stems directly from the sponsor, the two-year relationship requirement will be waived.
“I have consulted widely with Canadians, and especially with victims of marriage fraud, who have told me clearly that we must take action to stop this abuse of our immigration system,” said Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. “Sometimes the sponsor in Canada is being duped and sometimes it’s a commercial transaction. Implementing a two-year conditional permanent residence period will help deter marriage fraud, prevent the callous victimization of innocent Canadians and help us put an end to these scams.”

If you think you can qualify for an Immigrant Application its Best to ACT NOW!
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Managers, Accountants, Engineers, Doctors and Nurses

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Occupations I mention above are one of those  350 qualified professions that can apply for an Immigrant Application this coming January 1, 2013

Please take a look at the envious position you are in.  You are one of the lucky few Filipinos that have a chance to live the life their family dreams about.  Why would you settle for anything less than the best for your family?  The destiny of your family is in your hands.  What are you going to do?  Lots of people are counting on you to make the right decision. 

I am writing this  to you with hopes you too will take a harder look at the safety of your future.  Can you afford to wait?  Can you and your family really withstand a major financial problem caused by accident, sickness or death?  From what we have found out from others, it is not easy to do.  Please think about the consequences of waiting too long.  We ask you to think about the future safety of your family.  Those that have immigrated to Canada have changed the fortune of their family for generations to come.  That is a real hero.  

We, at CIC are waiting to help you.  We will help you from beginning to end.  We will help you work through any roadblock put in your way.  Make the commitment today to get started.  You will be thankful you did. 

If nothing else, come and see how happy somebody is when they get their visa.  Many of our customers feel like they have saved their lives when they get the visa.  We have visa parties monthly for applicants getting their visa.  We invite you to come and see for yourself and please bring along your family and parents.   

We hope the experiences of others, now less fortunate than you, can be helpful to you when making one of the major decisions of your lifetime.  You are in control of your destiny.  What is it going to be?    Please contact CIC for assistance.  We are ready to help you.  Let’s get started now!!! 

We are giving out career orientation assessments everyday!

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*assessment and evaluation fee: 500 php


Something Big Will Happen This December

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Canadian Immigration Consultancy will be right next to your DOORSTEP


while waiting for that:

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Ontario Needs 135,00 Immigrants Yearly

This is again a good news for prospect applicants for Canada Visa Immigration. As we all know that coming January 1, 2013 Canada will be open again for new Immigrant Applicants, and it will not be limited to certain professions but to NOC's O, A and B. This means that almost 350 occupations may apply for it.

In the study conducted almost 150,000 new immigrants every year since 2001. While almost all immigrants choice of destination is Ontario, In the recent years, Ontario's new immigrant numbers suddenly drop due to competetion with other provinces in Canada such as Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia.

Home to Canada's capital city. Ontario has been a long favorite destination of Immigrants. They need 135,000 immigrants this coming year either by FSW application, Economic Class Application or Student Visa Application.

What does this mean?

This coming Jan 2013 Canada will be open again for Immigrants and Ontario needs almost 135,000 applicants. Which means a lot of people is needed this coming year. If you want to take this opportunity you should start and get ahead. Apply for an Canada Immigrant Visa!

To know your Chances:

Have your Qualifications Assess Online

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*assessment and evaluation fee: 500 php

 or Visit one of Canadian Immigration Consultancy Offices :)


Canada Is Now Open For New Immigrants!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Unlike the previous Federal Skilled Worker Class FSWC programs in the past few years, the new FSWC program this coming January 2013 will no longer have limit on the number of applicants that will apply per occupation and will be processed very fast - 6 to 12 months.

Moreover, it will be open to all occupations in the National Occupations Classification categorized in O- Managerial, A- Professional, B- Trade and Skilled occupations.

What does this mean?  
It means that All Managers * All Engineers *All Professionals or individuals with License to practice their professions* All Trade and Skilled occupations or Individuals with Vocational courses who works in line with their Education * All Information Technology related occupations * All Doctors * Accountants * All Supervisors * Nurses * Physical Therapists * Medical Technologists * Technical Sales Specialists * College Instructors *Social Workers * Administrative Officers * Purchasing Officers * Finance Managers * Chemists * Teachers * Boilogists *Secretaries Accountants*Bookkeepers*Architects * Dieticians * Librarians * Journalists* Writers * Electricians * Welders * Machinists and many more Occupations in the O-Magerial, A-Professional and B-Trade/Skilled Job Categories of Canada can apply for the program...

If we compare this with the regulations that has been made operational since the FSWC processing became faster since last 2008, this will prove to be the easiest program that will be inacted.

So if you have plans of going to Canada, now is the time for you to apply. You should not delay starting your application. 


This might be the last time that they will offer this program, historically when the program receives a lot of applicants a backlog happens and program is stopped to give way to a more strict and selective Canadian Immigration system.

The only way to be able to take advantage of this program is by completing your application package in advance and file right away after the FSWC program opens. If you don't you will miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity because there will still be an overall quota for the total number of applications they will accept in a year.

Being ready all the time is still the key.  

At the very least you have to have your credentials assessed if you qualify.

Have your Qualifications Assess Online

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*assessment and evaluation fee: 500 php



Monday, October 1, 2012

learn your options in immigrating to Canada. Attend our provincial seminar with the below schedule:

Angeles City

Date: October 20, 2012
Time: 10:00AM
Venue: Marlim Mansions
Address: Mac Arthur Hi-way, Balibago, Angeles City, Philippines
Contact Person: Roland H.Gomez
Contact Number: 09279856617 09226961942
Tarlac City

Date: October 20, 2012
Time: 2:30PM
Venue: La Maja Rica Hotel & Restaurant
Address: Mac Arthur Highway Corner Ligtasan Street, Tarlac City, Philippines
Contact Person: Roland H. Gomez
Contact Number: 09279856617 09226961942

Seminar Fee: Single-P500.00

Arrange an appointment thru: 

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Who Could Apply this January 2013 Canada Visa Application

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I know that many of you are still wondering who could really apply. So I am publishing  entry on my blog about the NOC O A B. Here are the professions that could apply this January 2013. As Minister Kenney twitted. 

NOCs 0, A and B

But just like from what i had posted on New Canada Visa Application Concerns this is not considered as an official annoucment yet. But for the benefit to all of you on who could actually processed. Here is the List.

National Occupations Classification categorized in O- Managerial, A- Professional, B- Trade and Skilled occupations.
All Managers * All Engineers * All Information Technology related occupations * All Doctors * Accountants * All Supervisors * Nurses * Physical Therapists * Medical Technologists * Technical Sales Specialists * College Instructors * Social Workers * Administrative Officers * Purchasing Officers * Finance Managers * Chemists * Teachers * Boilogists * Architects * Dieticians * Librarians * Journalists * Writers * Electricians * Welders * Machinists and many more Occupations in the OA and B Categories of Canada...

If we compare this with the regulations that has been made operational since the FSWC processing became faster since last 2008, this will prove to be the easiest program that will be inacted.

So if you have plans of going to Canada, now is the time for you to apply.

This might be the last time that they will offer this program, historically when the program receives a lot of applicants a backlog happens and program is stopped to give way to a more strict and selective Canadian Immigration system.

The only way to be able to take advantage of this program is by completing your application package in advance and file right away after the FSWC program opens. If you don't you will miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity because there will still be an overall quota for the total number of applications they will accept in a year. 

At the very least you have to have your credentials assessed if you qualify

If in any case you are included on this list. You should be glad! Canada has open it up for you. Not anyone could have this wonderful opportunity of a lifetime. 


How? Know your points! Be informed!  Take Advantage! 

Visit our offices at:

Canadian Immigration Consultancy SM-Mall of Asia North Parking building Sunset Avenue
Near Hypermarket, beside NORTHPARKING Bldg Entrance.


Canadian Immigration Consultancy SM NORTH EDSA
3rd Floor North Link Building
Near Building Parking
Near LTO

*assessment fee: 500php

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*assessment and evaluation fee: 500 php


Why Hire An Immigration Consultant

Just like I said If you think you can handle all the things for the immigration process by yourself, then, you are not a suitable candidate for choosing an immigration consultant.
Do you know there are quite a few fairly sound reasons to hire the services of an immigration consultant to ease the path for your immigration to any country? Hiring the services of any immigration consultant becomes all the more advisable if there is any legal complication posing a hurdle in the way of your immigration or you don’t have sufficient time or determination to complete the procedure for immigration.
A. Steps before Hiring an Immigration Consultant----
If you feel the need to hire an immigration attorney to handle your immigration case, then you need to keep in mind the following useful tips ------
1. Seek references—It’s always good to ask for recommendations from your family, friends or people whom you trust. Have a 
dialogue with numerous immigration consultants before finally hiring one.
2. Ask about their qualifications and experience—Another point worth remembering is to know whether the immigration advisor is
authorized or not. If yes, find out his work experience as an immigration consultant.
3. Services and fee—You must know about the services to be provided and the fee to be charged by any immigration advisor and you must get all this information in writing to avoid any complication later on.
4. Ask queries—Don’t hesitate to ask queries and clear your doubts about the immigration lawyer. 
B. Steps after Hiring an Immigration Consultant----
1. Get a contract in writing and read all the information on it before proceeding to sign the document. See various services mentioned and the fee to be charged for such services.
2. Don’t sign any blank application forms.
3. Ask for a receipt for any payments made by you.

and top top it up make sure that your consultants firm has a verified Canadian Lawyer Representative. If they dont have any you better think twice.

Canadian Immigration Consultancy has Atty John Weisdorf as their represantive. It's up to you who will you trust. As of this moment there are many Consultancy Firms that is starting to appear again maybe to take advantage of  the opening of Canada this coming January 2013. Remeber to ask for their credibility and success rate.

In CIC we stood to the test of time.

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*assessment and evaluation fee: 500 php


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