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Canada's Expression of Interest System

Monday, June 17, 2013

At the Annual Conference of the Canadian Network of National Association of Regulators, the Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney,  talked about the new Federal Skilled Worker program, among other immigration concerns.

You can read the Speaking notes for The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism here.

 The new FSW program will be using the Expression of Interest System.

Following the publications will give you an idea that it might be implemented either late 2013 or by 2014. This is somewhat similar to the immigration system used by Australia and New Zealand, where they prioritize highly qualified applicants.

But of course, it would still be best if you will be able to file your application immediately once the program opens. 

Here is a portion of Mr. Kennys speech on the subject:
The system will allow us to more actively match the best qualified applicants with employers and the jobs that are available, rather than just taking those who are first in line and dropping them into the general labour market to sink or swim, in which case too many are struggling to keep their head above waters in the current system. 
 So our new system – it will eventually be called the Expression of Interest System for Skilled Workers – would essentially be a pool of applicants who are pre-qualified.

They’ve done a mandatory third-party assessed language test, which is a relative new feature of our system, if you can believe it.

They’ll have done the educational assessment. They will, based on the new points grid, be typically younger with higher levels of language proficiency. And they will be going into this pool of pre-qualified applicants.

We are working with employers, sectors and provinces to figure out how to give employers limited access to that pool of applicants – of course, respecting people’s privacy rights – so that they can identify people who are ready and willing to come to Canada, and who are pre-qualified. They will offer them jobs after they’ve done their due diligence and are satisfied that they can work at their skill level. And then we will bring those people into Canada within a matter of months."

One Country that Implements Expression of Interest System is New Zealand. The priority are the applicants who get higher points or scores.

If you are an Interested applicant you mus maximize your points.

If you are married, I strongly suggest that you and your spouse both take the IELTS examination. It may mean additional cost, but it will definitely be to your advantage. 

Always Remember that you must always be prepare. This type of application can be Implemented by the end of the year or next year. Scenarios in 2014 is you can apply by:

1. Via the priority list of occupations and 
2.  Via the Expression of Interest system 

Both options may still have overall Caps or Quota's to allow the Citizenship and Immigration Canada better control to the number of applications that they are capable of processing. 

Those who can not file under the priority list will still be processed although to be conservative about it, its a great possibility that only those in Job Categories O-Managerial, B- Skilled and Trade and  A-Professional occupations can apply.

As a recap, to be qualified an applicants first task is to make himself eligible to apply by completing his full application package (Documents, forms and other special requirements, have his valuable documents certified/authenticated, then file his application as soon as possible.  Since the regulations always require complete documents at the beginning of all visa applications in Canada, prior planning is necessary to increase great chances of success.

The current FSW program now is a result of this transition from the current processing system to one where Canada hopes to implement to get the best Candidates for the program.


Medical Professions That are Eligible to Apply for Canada Immigrant Visa

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Canada Immigration Program is Dynamic. Every year it constantly changes. This year Canada Proves that if you are not on the priority list last year, the following year will be a different story. One Prime Example are Nurses, Since the time Canada Has Implemented the Fast Track Processing the REGISTERED NURSES is always Included in the Priority Occupations.

This year is completely different. There are new Priority Occupations for Medical Field. These are

  • 3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
  • 3142 Physiotherapists
  • 3143 Occupational Therapists
  • 3211 Medical laboratory technologists
  • 3212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
  • 3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
  • 3215 Medical radiation technologists
  • 3216 Medical sonographers
  • 3217 Cardiology technicians and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c. (not elsewhere classified)
If you are included on these following professions this is the right time to apply. This will be a one year offer. Next year will be different again.

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Pinoy Engineers This Is Your Year! Apply Now For Canada Immigrant Visa

As the New Priority List Released this 2013, Canada Has made a point that this year Engineers are their Priority applicants. Here is the list of Qualified Engineers that can Apply for an Immigrant VIsa.

Qualified Engineers for Canada Immigration Application

  • 0211 Engineering managers
  • 1112 Financial and investment analysts
  • 2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
  • 2131 Civil engineers
  • 2132 Mechanical engineers
  • 2134 Chemical engineers
  • 2143 Mining engineers
  • 2144 Geological engineers
  • 2145 Petroleum engineers
  • 2146 Aerospace engineers
  • 2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers) 
All Engineers this your moment. You waited so long for this opportunity.  This is the right time to apply. If you want your chances you can send me your resume for initial assessment.


Canadian Immigration New Priority List 2013

Eligible occupations (with their corresponding 2011 National Occupation Classification code):

  • 0211 Engineering managers
  • 1112 Financial and investment analysts
  • 2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
  • 2131 Civil engineers
  • 2132 Mechanical engineers
  • 2134 Chemical engineers
  • 2143 Mining engineers
  • 2144 Geological engineers
  • 2145 Petroleum engineers
  • 2146 Aerospace engineers
  • 2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers)
  • 2154 Land surveyors
  • 2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
  • 2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
  • 2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety
  • 3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
  • 3142 Physiotherapists
  • 3143 Occupational Therapists
  • 3211 Medical laboratory technologists
  • 3212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
  • 3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
  • 3215 Medical radiation technologists
  • 3216 Medical sonographers
  • 3217 Cardiology technicians and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c. (not elsewhere classified) 
If you think you have the work experience in any of that field this year is the right time to apply.

send your resumes: rgomez@go2canada.com


Breaking News Canada's New Priority List for 2013

Ottawa, April 18, 2013 —The list of 24 occupations that are eligible under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) when it re-opens on May 4, 2013 was released today.
In addition, four organizations have been designated to provide the now-required independent third party assessments of foreign educational credentials for applicants who studied outside of Canada. These assessments, which must be completed before an application is submitted, are aimed at helping newcomers through the FSWP to get off to a better start and into the Canadian labour force more quickly when they arrive.
The government’s focus remains on jobs, economic growth, and long-term prosperity,” said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Kenney. “Under the new Federal Skilled Worker Program, Canada will be able to attract the skilled immigrants our economy requires, who are the most likely to succeed and contribute their full skill set to the Canadian economy.
With the re-opening date approaching, future applicants should be aware of several key elements that will have an effect on the application process:
  • A new eligible occupations list, with a total of 24 occupations;
  • An overall cap of 5,000 new applications for all eligible occupations, including a sub-cap of 300 new applications for each eligible occupation;
  • Four organizations have been designated to conduct educational credential assessments (mandatory for applicants submitting foreign educational credentials); and
  • Applicants must show proof that they meet the minimum threshold of Canadian Language Benchmark 7 in all four language skill areas: speaking, reading, writing and oral comprehension.
As a result of the actions taken by the Government to deal with the massive backlogs and unacceptably long wait times, FSW applications will be processed in approximately one year,” said Minister Kenney. “We will not be able to remain competitive and attract the skilled immigrants we need if we allow backlogs and wait times to grow again. That’s why we are capping application intake and focusing on specific occupations that are experiencing labour shortages in Canada. This will also help us transition nicely into the just-in-time immigration system of the future.
Applications under the new FSWP will be accepted starting May 4, 2013. Until then, however, the FSWP application process does not change – only individuals with qualifying job offers or those applying under the PhD stream are eligible for processing.
All applicants who are considering applying on or after May 4 are invited to consult the Backgrounder. It outlines some of the steps that can be taken now to prepare and includes the eligible occupations list and the organizations designated to conduct educational credential assessments.

Here is it:

Eligible occupations (with their corresponding 2011 National Occupation Classification code):

  • 0211 Engineering managers
  • 1112 Financial and investment analysts
  • 2113 Geoscientists and oceanographers
  • 2131 Civil engineers
  • 2132 Mechanical engineers
  • 2134 Chemical engineers
  • 2143 Mining engineers
  • 2144 Geological engineers
  • 2145 Petroleum engineers
  • 2146 Aerospace engineers
  • 2147 Computer engineers (except software engineers/designers)
  • 2154 Land surveyors
  • 2174 Computer programmers and interactive media developers
  • 2243 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
  • 2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety
  • 3141 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
  • 3142 Physiotherapists
  • 3143 Occupational Therapists
  • 3211 Medical laboratory technologists
  • 3212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
  • 3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
  • 3215 Medical radiation technologists
  • 3216 Medical sonographers
  • 3217 Cardiology technicians and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists, n.e.c. (not elsewhere classified)


Success Comes When You Are Willing to take the Risk

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We have informed you last week about the change in date of release of the official list of designated educational assessment agencies but that was just based on the twitter message of the Immigration Minister. Yesterday, Citizenship and Immigration Canada made an official announcement about it.

With new criteria for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) set to take effect in May, many prospective immigrants may already be preparing to apply.
However, future FSWP applicants should be aware that CIC expects to announce three important elements of the FSWP in April that will have an impact on the application process, including:
  • a cap on the number of applications that will be accepted in the first year;
  • a new list of priority occupations; and
  • the organizations that will be designated to conduct educational assessments.
Applicants who prepare their application before this information is announced do so at their own risk. Applications that do not meet the criteria that will be announced in April will not be processed.
If your job classification is classified as NOC 0, A or B, your occuption may be included in the list.  At this point, no one can tell what the list would be and how many applications will be accepted per job classification.  You have two options here:

  1. Wait for the list before you make any prepartion, or
  2. Prepare now and be ready to file if and when your occupation is included.

If you are serious about your plan to live and work in Canada, you should get ready.  There's a risk and cost considerations, of course.  But risk comes only from not knowing what you're doing.


Canada Credential Assessment Program Announcement

Saturday, February 2, 2013

For those asking where to send application for Education Credentials Assessment, here's a twitter message from Immigration Minister Jason Kenney:

According to the Immigration Minister, the list of designated educational assessment agencies for the new Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) is expected to be released in mid-February 2013.

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The Quebec Skilled Worker Program versus The Federal Skilled Worker Class

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The two most popular economic immigration programs in Canada are Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSWC) and the Quebec Skilled Worker (QSW) program. Neither program requires a Canadian job offer to be eligible to apply. The government of Canada recently announced significant changes to the FSWC,

It is important that prospective applicants choose the program that best suits their professional strengths and their immigration goals. To help future applicants in the important decision of choosing an immigration program, We presents the pros and cons of each program:

The Quebec Skilled Worker Program

Current Status: Open and Accepting Applications
Approximate Processing Time: 24 months (varies by country of application)
Visa Received: Canadian Permanent Resident Visa

General Information:

§  Selection System?
§  Points-based. Must receive 49 points to be eligible to submit as a single applicant, and 57 points as a couple or family.
§  Intake Quota?
§  No. There is currently no limit to the number of applications this program may receive.
§  Eligibility?
§  Yes; applicants must have a degree or diploma in one of 110 targeted areas of training/fields of study
§  Language Requirements?
§  In theory no, but a certain level of French may be needed to make sufficient points.
§  Process?
§  Two-step process. First a Quebec Selection Certificate is obtained. Next, the entire application is reviewed on a Federal level for health and security issues.
This may be a good program for you if:
§  You want to become a Canadian Permanent Resident
§  You intend to initially settle in the Province of Quebec
§  You want to begin your application process today
§  You speak French and understand French or are interested in learning
§  You want to enter a strong labour market for your specific field of study

If you have experience in a targeted field of study, the QSW program will help you come to Canada with strong job prospects. Quebec is a beautiful province with a stable economy, and I encourage eligible applicants to consider this option whenever possible.

The Federal Skilled Worker Class
Current Status: Only accepting applications with arranged employment in Canada or PhD students in Canada; new regulations are scheduled to come into force January 2013
Approximate Processing Time: Unknown (last FSWC advertised processing within 12 months)
Visa Received: Canadian Permanent Resident Visa

General Information:

§  Selection System
§  Points-based. Must receive a minimum of 67 out of 100 points
§  Intake Quota?
§  Maybe. No announcement has yet been made regarding a limit on application intake. However, the previous FSWC was capped at 10,000 applications.
§  Eligibility?
§  Yes; applicants must have a minimum of 1 year of skilled work experience in the preceding 10 years.
§  Language Requirements?
§  Yes. Applicants must pass a minimum language threshold in either English or French.
§  Process?
§  Direct application to a Central Intake Office in Canada.
This may be a good program for you if:

§  You want to become a Canadian Permanent Resident
§  You intend to initially settle anywhere in Canada outside of the Province of Quebec
§  You want to prepare your application before the new regulations take effect
§  You are a skilled worker whose field of study is not included in the QSW list

Recent changes were made to many aspects of the FSWC. This means that immigrants who are accepted through this program will come to Canada better prepared to find good jobs and start a new life in the country. There is likely to be a cap on application intake, so if you are eligible to apply, it is a good idea to start building your application now and submit when the program opens.

Successful applicants to the FSWC and QSW programs will arrive in Canada with Permanent Resident status. The path they travel to get to Canada should be chosen with care to reflect the best interests of themselves and their families.


List Of Qualified Canada Skill Trades for 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Citizenship and Immigration Canada have just announced that it will accept applications under the new Federal Skilled Trades Program accepts applications starting January 2, 2013.

There will be 43 jobs eligible to apply under the Federal Skilled Trades program in the first year of the program, from January 2, 2013 to January 1, 2014.  A maximum of 3,000 applications will be accepted this year.  The list of 43 jobs eligible are divided into 2 groups. A sub cap of 100 applications per classfication will be imposed for those included in Group A. No sub cap will be imposed for those included in Group B.

43 jobs will be eligible to apply under the Federal Skilled Trades

Group A – Jobs with sub-caps of 100 applications each (and their corresponding 2011 NOC code)
  • 7202 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
  • 7204 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
  • 7205 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
  • 7271 Carpenters
  • 7301 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
  • 7302 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
  • 8211 Supervisors, logging and forestry
  • 8221 Supervisors, mining and quarrying
  • 8222 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling services
  • 8241 Logging machinery operators
  • 8252 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers
  • 9211 Supervisors, mineral and metal processing
  • 9212 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities
  • 9214 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
  • 9231 Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing
  • 9241 Power engineers and power systems operators
  • 9243 Water and waste treatment plant operators
Group B – no sub-caps (2011 NOC code)
  • 7231 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
  • 7233 Sheet metal workers
  • 7235 Structural metal and plate work fabricators and fitters
  • 7236 Ironworkers
  • 7237 Welders and related machine operators
  • 7241 Electricians (except industrial and power system)
  • 7242 Industrial electricians
  • 7243 Power system electricians
  • 7244 Electrical power line and cable workers
  • 7245 Telecommunications line and cable workers
  • 7246 Telecommunications installation and repair workers
  • 7251 Plumbers
  • 7252 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers
  • 7253 Gas fitters
  • 7311 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
  • 7312 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
  • 7313 Refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
  • 7314 Railway carmen/women
  • 7315 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
  • 7318 Elevator constructors and mechanics
  • 7371 Crane operators
  • 7372 Drillers and blasters - surface, mining, quarrying and construction
  • 7373 Water well drillers
  • 8231 Underground production and development miners
  • 8232 Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
  • 9232 Petroleum, gas and chemical process operators
Send your resume to rgomez@go2canada.com.  With the subject "Skill Trade"


Canada Immigration Application this Coming May 4, 2013

Our wait is finally over, Citizenship Immigration Canada has finally announced when the Federal Skilled Worker program will start accepting applications which will be in May 4, 2013, superseding their previous plan of opening on January 1, 2013 as published in the Canada Gazette.   

As discussed in my previous post CIC has confirmed the final changes in the Federal Skilled worker applications: 

- Minimum official language thresholds (CLB 7) and increased points for official language proficiency making language the most important factor in the selection process


CLB 7 (IELTS score 6 in all areas) = 4 points per area

CLB 8  (IELTS score 6.5 for Reading, Writing and Speaking. Listening 7.5) = 5 points per test

CLB 9  (This is not yet disclosed speculating on it it might be IELTS score of 7 for Reading, Writing and Speaking. Listening 8) = 6 points per test

-Increased emphasis on younger immigrants, who are more likely to acquire valuable Canadian experience, are better positioned to adapt to changing labor markets conditions, and who will spend a greater number of years contributing to Canada’s economy, full points for the age criteria will be given to applicants who are 18 to 35 years old, older applicants will still have a chance to qualify as long as they reach the 67 points passmark;

Introduction of the Educational Credential Assessment (ECA), so that education points awarded reflect the foreign credential’s true value in Canada;

-Changes to the arranged employment process, allowing employers to hire applicants quickly, if there is a demonstrated need in the Canadian labour market; and

-Additional adaptability points for spousal language ability and Canadian work experience.

A list of assessment organizations designated by the Minister to do the Education Credential Assessment will be made available early 2013. 

Moreover, Minister Kenney's said that in next regulation of the Federal Skilled Workers Class will be open to all O-Managerial, A-Professional and B-Trade and Skilled occupations and will not have any limit in the number of applicants per occupation.

Although there may still be an overall quota on the total number of applicants they will accept in a year. Which means those who are the first to file will benefit from this fast and east PR Visa application!

This was published in his twitter page

For reference to the changes in the points system you may click on the following link to read the previous publication of the Canada Gazette.

How will this affect you?

If you are one of the many who wants to Immigrate to Canada the Federal Skilled Worker application is a good option for you, it is designed to be processed in a matter of months and is one of the few programs where your Education and Work Experience alone are enough to qualify you for the program.

Most programs in Canada require a third party, whether a relative or an employer to allow you process your application.

Since the regulation requires complete requirements when you apply, only those who plan ahead will qualify for the the program. If you want to have the chance get a slot and be given an immigrants visa for Canada under the Federal skilled worker program you have to start being involved in making yourself eligible and qualify for the program by acting right now!   

Moreover, since there is a quota for the number of applicants they will accept, there is an urgency to start readying your application right away.  

This goes the same with those who are planning to reapply their applications. If you already have most of the documents ready, please be reminded  that the FSW guidelines has preferred validity's for certain documents like NBI (3 months), Bank Draft (1 month), Pictures(recent photo), IELTS 2 years. 

So it will be best to renew said documents within April or March of next year.

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Canadian Immigration Consultancy SM Megamall Office Finally Opens

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In continuing commitment to our client to be more accessible. Canadian Immigration Consultancy finally open an office at SM Megamall. Officially Candian Immigration Consultancy has three offices here in Metro Manila.

Canadian Immigration Consultancy 
SM North Edsa
Unit 301 3rd floor Northlink Building
SM North Edsa Quezon City

Canadian Immigration Consultancy 
SM Mall of Asia
Unit 160 G/F (north wing parking bldg)
Pasay City

and our Recently opened SM MEGAMALL BRANCH

Canadian Immigration Consultancy
SM Megamall 549 Unit B Edsa Corner J. Vargas Avenue
Mandaluyong City

Here is the  facade of our office:

In addition to this, Canada will start processing new Immigration Applicant this coming May 4, 2013. If you are planning to go to canada. This is the right time to push for it, and Canadian Immigration Consultancy Megamall Branch is one of the offices that would gladly accomodate you.

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*assessment and evaluation fee: 500 php


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