Are You Ready for the Next Wave?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Getting ahead is one of your advantage on your Canada Visa Application. Are you prepared for it? Why wait if you could have a chance to get ahead, way ahead of everybody. Now Answer this question:
"If your occupation opens up which makes you eligible to apply, how soon can you file your application?" If you can't file your application in a month or two, it may be too late for you.
Remember: It wasnt raining when Noah Build his Ark. As we had experienced Application for Canada requires time and effort thus commitment and serious mind is one of the requirements.
Here is what you have to do:
1. Take the online Assessment
2. Visit us @MOA office (free assessment/evaluation, Career Planning, Financial Planning)
3. Decide and Commit! Sign up wit us
4. Start Preparing Application forms and Documents
5. File it as soon as we meet our eligibility
And while waiting for your eligibility, seek emplyment abroad if you want because we could still process your application even if your abroad.
Financial concerns are not an excuse!
Hello Canada!
Immigration on a whole is very beneficial to Canada and its residents. History tells repeatedly that it is human kind that loses its previleges. Immigration is good for Canada and its people in any way you consider but the undeue advantage taken by a few people in the name of refugee act bestowed by Canadian government is being highly misused. We have to wait and see how far Canada can allow people in the name of refugees. Of course, humanitarian concerns are to be given the highest priority for human kind’s development and survival but misuse of a syustm is highly deplorable. Let us all pray that the gates of immigration be not closed for all those good people and eligible aspirants just because of the refugees who infiltrate this country and can be a bigger and unsolvable problem. As of now Canada is large in heart and resources.
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